
When we talk about corporate Engagement, we are referring to the degree of involvement of a company’s employees with respect to the role they hold and the company itself, its mission and its values.

Engagement does not only consider employees’ satisfaction with their role, but different factors which provide a clear picture of how much the company is capable of involving its collaborators in the activity.

When company Engagement is at very low level, the company is not only less productive, but also struggles to adapt to changes and has a lower capacity for growth, because it lacks employee inputs and ideas.

The signs of low company engagement are


Demotivated workers.


Propensity to leave the workplace for a new job.


Low capacity in transmitting company values ​​internally and creating a climate of trust.

To act on strengthening corporate Engagement values, we design multi-level and long-term projects aimed at: 

  • listen to workers on a regular basis;
  • strengthen leadership to create a climate of trust and collaboration;
  • communicate the company culture to all employees effectively and transparently;
  • grant more responsibility to encourage everyone to offer their contribution even on topics that go beyond their role in the company;
  • facilitate teamwork;
  • collaborate to establish corporate and individual goals;
  • strengthen internal brand identity: act and commit to offering employees a corporate image with which they can easily identify and which they can be proud to spread.